Monday, June 22, 2009

We saved the world!

Truth is stranger than fiction and below is an excerpt from how we just saved the world a few moments ago and then of course to celebrate, 'washed the utensils' !

i can see smthng over der

if tht s it
dont turn bak
dotn luk bak

it looks like tiny creatures walkin on a mountain

it mght b te illusionry one
do u see a blue light onthe top

a faint one in d distance

thn this one s fake
we need to go ahead
one with red light

qwerty: aah

wdont waste tim

run run run

if u gt tired
remeber i m thr

no tired master
run for life
run for the goog

we ned to save the wrld
run fr the ppl

save d world yipee!

run fr thr happiness
hey i see it
i see it

where is it o lord?

hm lose ur eyes u l se
u wearin skeletons cloak

ya (closing eyes)

nw keep thm closed n u lsee wht i m seoin
i dunno hw to pass this mound of ants

oh yes master..i can see it..isn't it huge

mayb u l knw coz u r skeleton rght nw

i thnk der will be a secret code to enter
ya i thnk here it i can se the ants clearing on my path
heres d code, i can understand wat dey r speaking!
mus b d coats effect

yeh tht s wht
do wht ut think is rght
i l tc of the rest
hey we need ot b fast

d entrance is out der to ur right master
we need to say dis together :hoodibababa hodibaba hoo hoo

hoodibababa hodibaba hoo hoo
hoodibababa hodibaba hoo hoo
hoodibababa hodibaba hoo hoo
it opeend
..a brave fight later we won! We saved the world!

You may not understand the above but it was one of those moments that come once in a lifetime i.e the chance to save the world! lite :)

I'm very sleepy now and can only tell you one more story.Its the story of how nice things can happen even when they may not appear to be so, This 10-year-old girl desperately wanted to see the new Disney-Pixar movie, "Up." But the cancer-stricken girl was too sick to go to a theater.

Thanks to a family friend who got in touch with the movie studio Pixar, an employee of the Emeryville-based company arrived at Colby's home with a DVD copy of the movie. The girl died later that night.Read more..

This Sunday we went to the Strawberry fields to do some strawberry farming, plucked over 4 kgs of strawberries and had another of those wonderful new weekend experiences.I wouldn't say much 'coz it would only make you more jealous..

At the Strawberry farm,Augsburg

Well I also got into history books.The Trojan Horse for those who remember...Augsburg is named after Emperor Augustus after whom the month of August is named and is the oldest inhabited place in Europe so there must have been some connection :)
(That's all I know of History so you can deduce from there onwards)
The Trojan Horse

Chao again!

Gute Nacht!

Pratik Mandrekar


Cheetah said...

That Trojan Horse Image is nice.. it is edited rite? U did the editing?

Keep blogging, nice work..

Cheetah said...

Those strawberries you will eat raw or use them after value-addition?

P.S: Don't accept this comment if you don't like the pun ;)

Pratik Mandrekar said...

I didn't get the pun, the strawberries are ripe and have almost eaten them..The pic is real, just it is framed..and 4 sum reason only these comments are visible tho i published all..:)

Cheetah said...

We will get jealous for just one semester max :P

Illusion said...

give credits to the person from whom u got the cancer girl story :P

Pratik Mandrekar said...

Credits to and the above for the story!

(Shouldn't it be to Pixar too and msn also :P )